IPQS Phone Number Validation


Phone number validation is a critical step in verifying user identities and reducing fraud. Automating this process allows businesses to prioritize leads, screen users during signup or checkout, and perform risk scoring to identify suspicious behaviors. However, manually verifying phone numbers is costly and time consuming. This article will share a simple solution for validating phone numbers in bulk using a batch validation tool called Phoneveri. It supports pinging carrier networks to check whether the phone number is active and also provides other useful data points like line type, country of origin, and more.

What is number lookup?

Instantly validate and analyze a user’s phone number to detect errors and determine its reliability. IPQS phone number validation checks syntax, format, country, carrier, prepaid status, line type, and more. It also performs reputation scoring to detect virtual and disposable phone numbers along with recent abusive behavior history. The solution can be integrated seamlessly into web forms, call center systems, and other applications to enable user screening during the signing up or logging in process as well as any other use case.

The service can be used to screen a single phone number or multiple numbers in a list, and it’s easy to implement in web applications, point of sale (POS), mobile apps, CRM systems, and more. Its API enables businesses to perform validation and analysis in real-time as users sign up, submit an application, or make a payment. It also supports global coverage, which means it’s the ideal solution for international user verification and screening.

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